Our goal
Our goal is to offer our expertise for designing and manufacturing systems and buildings with low environmental impact and high energy efficiency, as well as actively participate in changing our time: an environmentally friendly and economically sustainable use of each form of energy.
We do this by developing innovative projects in Italy and internationally in the field of civil, architectural, industrial engineering and mechatronics, with particular attention to the use and integration of each form of energy to allow a rational use through a technology that guarantees high standards of safety and optimal performance by minimizing consumption.
The purpose of our projects is to reduce the CO2 emission as much as possible as well as all other toxic emissions deriving from the generation and usage of the energy in favor of an ever increasing environmental sustainability.
Our projects begin with a real-life vision of the product or of the work to be carried out. Each project is supported by strict geotechnical surveys, by appropriate strategic evaluations and analysis on the environmental impact. The results will then be processed through complex physical-mathematical models that allow a perfect design of the project.

The real and virtual worlds interact to the point of becoming perfectly specular. The real world contributes with the power of the reality and its multiple variables; the virtual world provides a physical-mathematical tool that interprets reality with the purpose to create extraordinary works.
We use the most advanced calculation software CAD/CAE 3D capable of simulating the virtual in the real world and to draw up with precision the fluid-gas-solid matter interactions. Thanks to this kind of software it is possible to develop virtual prototypes able to succeed in the most severe tests of reliability and related safety checks to ensure customers excellent results in rapid times.
Our priority is the full success of the project in which we integrate, in addition to our excellent professional preparation, the innovative research results regarding the use of new materials and application of latest construction techniques.
The constant research and professional updating are essential in our work, the active participation in the development of an environmentally sustainable project are the pillars of our vision.

Tel.: +390665498465
Fax: +390665498465
Mobile: +393479926381