Engineering Studio Rome - Integrated Engineering Services

Civil and industrial plants

GeoValDi Engineering designs high-efficiency civil and industrial technological plants, powered by clean energy in line with the global project to lower the amount of pollutant emissions …read more »

Nuclear energy

In the recent decades the use of nuclear energy released with the nuclear reactions became an important source of energy, a plus to the ones already more »

Geothermal power

We designs complex geothermal plants for civil and industrial use, in accordance to national and international law. It can count on high skills acquired thanks to a detailed study …read more »


The main objective of GeoValDi Engineering is to design different type of projects, from plant desing to construction, using alternative and renewable energy…read more »

Construction industry

GeoValDi Engineering designs, in respect of the environment and of the national and international legislations, eco-compatible building constructions creating a sustainable balanceread more »


GeoValDi Engineering,  thanks to the multidisciplinary know-how of its team, is able to offer its high competence for the production of biotechnologies and design of medical devices in the field of Life Sciences…read more »


We offer, in line with Legislative Decree 81/08 on Health and Safety in the Workplace, all the mandatory services in this sector: Firefighting professional and RSPP for every type of company, CSP, CSE, Work Management…


GeoValDi Engineering designs the most innovative automation systems using sophisticated simulation, calculation software and advanced design technique. We ensure the creation of eco-sustainable products…


GeoValDi Engineering centers its strenght on human resources and invests on a continuous training for its engineers. We are aware that an updated training and an in-depth knowledge are essential for our professionals …

GeoValDi Engineering S.r.l.

GeoValDi Engineering S.r.l. is an Integrated Engineering Studio

It was born from the will of Ing. Alessandra Di Pietro to apply her skills in the field of energy, safety and environmental impact in every sector of civil and industrial design.

Studio di Ingegneria Roma

Contact GeoValdi Engineering S.r.l. by e-mail or telephone numbers. We will contact you as soon as possible